
April 2014 | Recap

Let's be real here, April was all about my fifty mile race. 

Even though training was winding down, I needed new road running shoes. Mine were causing pain because I picked them out based on color, rather than fit. I will never make that mistake again. This time I listened and ended up with Mizuno Enigmas. So far I love them!

 Courtney and I tried the Silk Almond Milk frozen yogurt at TCBY. Super good!

 I got my first acceptance letter to grad school! Which was then followed by a second acceptance.

I ran 50 miles, no big deal. If you're interested, you can read all about my race day here.

Saw Sister Act!

Started going to our favorite Farmer's Market again since no more Sunday training runs (for awhile).

Courtney and I made each other Easter baskets, which we use as an excuse to buy our favorite candy. She tells me what to put in her basket, just like I tell her what to put in mine.

 Lots of chocolate...See's candy, Lindt Truffles, Kit Kats, mini Reese's. Oh and of course lamb chocolates! 

We helped my mom plant a garden. Of course when we told her we'd help, we didn't know she hadn't built the planter boxes yet. So we actually helped with building the planter boxes, filling them with soil, buying the plants, and the actual planting. The worst part was the multiple trips to Home Depot to get enough soil.  

I found the Frozen DVD/Blu-Ray at Costco for super cheap. It was my getting into grad school present from Courtney.

Two weeks after the AR50, we ran the Parkway Half Marathon. It was my first run since the fifty miles, so it was hard. We still managed to PR after they adjusted the times to account for a too long course.

Courtney's mom chose to make this her first half marathon since they have a separate course for walkers. We got to send her off and watcher her finish! 

I ate my first still warm Elote from Las Esperanza Bakery. While I've had many elotes before, never that fresh from the oven!

Goodbye April, hello May! 

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